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MKN Senegal

English is often considered a global language because it is widely spoken and understood across the world. It facilitates communication between people from different linguistic backgrounds, making it easier to exchange ideas, conduct international business, collaborate on research, and participate in global culture. However, while English has many practical benefits, the need to speak it depends on individual goals, circumstances, and the context in which someone finds themselves. Multicultural Kids Network Senegal has that desire to have Senegalese Children immerse in and english culture.

English is not one of the primary languages spoken in Senegal. The official language of Senegal is French, and Wolof is widely spoken as well. English is not as commonly spoken or understood in Senegal compared to these languages. Multicultural Kids Network Senegal wants change that over time by engaging in educational exchanges between American students and Senegalese Students.

From Multicultural Kids Network last research in September 2021, the education level in Senegal varies. While efforts have been made to improve access to education, there are still challenges in terms of quality, resources, and access, particularly in rural areas. The literacy rate in Senegal was around 50-60% at that time. Primary and secondary education is provided, and the country has universities and higher education institutions as well. We want to contribute more to the education attainable of rural Senegal.

Learning technology is important for rural students in Senegal for several reasons:

Digital Literacy:Technology is now an integral part of daily life. Being technologically literate allows students to navigate and utilize digital tools effectively, from basic tasks like online research and communication to more complex activities like coding and data analysis. Rural Senegalese students should not be left behind.


Technology can enhance the learning experience of rural Senegalese Students by providing access to vast amounts of information, interactive educational resources, and online courses. It enables students to learn at their own pace and explore subjects beyond what traditional methods might offer.

Problem Solving:

Technology encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Rural Senegalese students learn to analyze situations, identify issues, and use technology to find innovative solutions. Multicultural Kids Network Senegal aim to satisfy such need.

Communication and Collaboration:

Technology facilitates communication and collaboration among rural Senegalese students and American educators. It allows for virtual group projects, online discussions, and real-time feedback, preparing rural Senegalese students for the collaborative nature of the modern workplace.

Global Awareness:

The internet and technology provide a window into global issues, cultures, and perspectives. Rural Senegalese students can engage with diverse viewpoints and develop a broader understanding of the world.


Technology is rapidly evolving, and rural Senegalese students who are comfortable with technology will more likely adapt to new tools and changes in the future job market.

Creativity and Expression:

Technology offers various platforms for creative expression, such as digital art, music production, and video editing. Multicultural Kids Network want to see rural  Senegalese students explore their artistic talents using these tools.

Preparation for the Future:

As technology continues to advance, it will play an even larger role in various aspects of life.  We want our rural students who understand and can work with technology be better prepared to engage with the challenges and opportunities of the future.

Overall, technology literacy is not just about using devices; it’s about understanding how technology works, being aware of its implications, and harnessing its power to improve various aspects of life.

The intelligence of American students, like students from any country, can be influenced by various factors such as educational resources, teaching quality, personal motivation, and access to opportunities for learning and growth. It’s not just one factor that makes students smarter, but rather a combination of these elements that contribute to their overall development. Multicultural kids Network USA want to teach these skills to rural Senegalese students.

Multicultural Kids Network believe that the success of a child can be influenced by a combination of factors, including supportive parents, a nurturing environment, quality education, positive social interactions, access to resources, and opportunities to explore their interests and talents. Therefore we want to offer the rural students those opportunities. 

Engaging children in environmental activities can cultivate a strong sense of responsibility, empathy for nature, and sustainable behaviors. It can also help them develop critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and an appreciation for the natural environment they are born form. Additionally, these experiences can contribute to their overall physical and mental well-being through outdoor play and exposure to green spaces.

Children who are not educated can face a range of challenges, including limited opportunities for personal and intellectual development, reduced employability, and a higher likelihood of living in poverty. Education provides essential skills, knowledge, and critical thinking abilities that are crucial for navigating the complexities of the modern world. Without education, children may struggle to make informed decisions, access better job prospects, and contribute meaningfully to society.

Here are some of the other advantages to acquiring English as a second language:

Multicultural Kids Network Senegal is seeking scholarship to rural students in hope to prepare them to graduate college with an English Major. This is a dream to uplift and develop rural Senegal.

How can you help?

Sponsor a Rural Senegalese child learn English! 

To get involved email us:


Our office in Senegal is:  Sicap Dieuppeul 3, No. 2611  

Dakar Senegal

Tel: 221 33 860 8554